How to Implement Customizable Privacy on Your Organization’s Block chain?

How to Implement Customizable Privacy on Your Organization’s Block chain?

Organizations that wish to implement a block chain platform often face the challenge of how to ensure privacy for their data and transactions. While public block chains offer transparency, they do not provide the same level of privacy that is often desired by organizations. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to implement customizable privacy on a block chain.

Define the Use Case and Objective:

The first step is to clearly define the use case and objective for your organization’s block chain. This will help to determine the type of privacy that is required and the best way to implement it. A good example of a use case for block chain is a supply chain. In this case, the privacy requirements are not very high because the use of block chain is limited to a few companies that need to track the path of a product.

Identify the Data that needs to be Private:

Once the use case has been defined, the next step is to identify which data needs to be kept private. This data can then be encrypted to ensure that it is only accessible to authorized parties.

Select a Privacy-Enhanced Block chain Protocol:

There are a number of different privacy-enhanced block chain protocols available for Findora Founders, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Selecting the right protocol for your organization will depend on your specific needs and goals.

Configure the Network:

Once the protocol has been selected, the next step is to configure the network. This includes setting up the nodes and ensuring that they are able to communicate with each other. For this example, we will use the “Simple Network” protocol. This protocol is very simple and only requires that each node has a unique identifier.

Develop the Smart Contracts:

The next step is to develop the smart contracts that will be used on the block chain. These contracts should be designed to protect the privacy of the data that is being stored on the block chain.

Test the Network:

There are a few different ways to test a block chain network. Once the network has been configured and the smart contracts have been developed, it is time to test the network. This will help to ensure that everything is functioning as intended.

Launch the Network:

After the testing has been completed, the block chain network can then be launched. This will make the data and transactions available to the parties that have been granted access.

Monitor the Network:

It is important to monitor the block chain network on a regular basis. This will help to identify any potential issues and ensure that the data remains private. The block chain network is constantly evolving and it is important to keep up to date with the latest developments.

Update the Network:

As new requirements arise, it may be necessary to update the block chain network. This can be done by adding new nodes, modifying the smart contracts, or changing the configuration of the network.


Organizations that wish to implement a block chain platform can do so with customized privacy features. By following the steps outlined above, it is possible to ensure that the data and transactions on the block chain are only accessible to authorized parties.